Utilise the environmental impact assessment values to guide feed formulation decisions, ensuring the most sustainable practices.
Sustainability at your fingertips
MyMilkPrint is an online life cycle assessment service that allows feed advisors to determine the environmental footprint of their clients' milk production with just a few clicks. Using the wide range of regularly updated data available, advisors can run scenarios and uncover strategies to reduce the environmental footprint of farmers’ dairy production operations. The solution is accessible via the MyNutriOpt platform for simple, one-stop access.

- Saves time
- Easy to use
- Improved efficiency
- Cost-effective
- Improved customer satisfaction
- Data from internationally accepted, widely used, quality-assured databases
MyMilkPrint gives feed advisors an overall cradle-to-farm gate environmental footprint score on farmers’ milk production, as well as in-depth insights into the greenhouse gas emissions caused in production. MyMilkPrint offers in-depth insights into several factors, such as on-farm energy utilization, feed procurement, and transportation, along with enteric methane, manure methane, and nitrous oxide emissions. This enables you to minimize the environmental impact of milk production and enhance your overall sustainability.
How it works
MyMilkprint offers detailed insights that can help feed advisors make better-informed decisions.
With MyMilkPrint, as a feed advisor, you can:
Make economically efficient decisions by incorporating environmental impact assessment values as constraints to calculate the most cost-effective formulation.
Improve the sustainability of the dairy industry and help create a more environmentally friendly future.
MyMilkPrint can help you reduce your environmental footprint
Farm assessment

Farm assessment
Create a farm assessment by adding farm specific inputs on milk production, energy consumptions and animal groups. For each animal group details on rations consumed, and manure management systems can be specified.
Evaluate interventions

Evaluate interventions
Demonstrate the effect of interventions, like reducing age at first calving, in MyMilkPrint. By creating a copy of the current impact assessment, and modeling the input parameters when applying a certain intervention, the environmental impact can be compared with the initial value.

Discuss the results of the farm assessment with farmers, and identify areas of improvements. Results are clearly grouped by main categories: rations, enteric methane, manure methane, nitrous oxide, and energy consumptions. Also the specific impact of the animal group is shown.
Ration management

Ration management
Create rations based on home grown ingredients, like silages, and purchased feeds. These rations will be used as input for the farm assessment.

Sustainability roadmap
We understand how making more
sustainable decisions becomes
easier once you know the
environmental footprint of your milk.
This is why we created MyMilkPrint.
Digital services & solutions
Looking for something else? NutriOpt contains a suite of digital solutions and services to support you around actionable analysis, actionable insights, optimal diets and optimal animal performance.
Register your interest in a free MyMilkPrint assessment
We can arrange a free MyMilkPrint assessment via your farm advisor. To register your interest please fill in the form below and one of our technical advisors will contact you to discuss your needs.