
Sustainability at your fingertips

MyFeedPrint is an online environmental footprint service that helps feed mills become more sustainable. It also helps them maintain and increase competitiveness in the feed industry.
Powered by three modules, MyFeedPrint provides the environmental footprint of the feed ingredients used to make feed products, alongside the impact of the manufacturing processes used.
This information can help you make better informed and sustainable decisions that can improve your business opportunities with farms.
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  • Time saving
  • Easy to use
  • Cost-effective
  • Up to date at every log in
  • No need for LCA expert in house, we have a team of experts in the palm of your hand


  • Built on PEFCR European Feed Guidelines
  • Data from multiple certified databases

MyFeedPrint allows you to be more competitive and better serve farmers

Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and mitigating the effects of global warming is a top priority globally in our sector. Trouw  Nutrition is proud to offer you a new service that brings sustainability at feed mills' fingertips through a digital platform, in an easy and more affordable way. 

With MyFeedPrint we now have a tool to create the total picture, and formulate rations with feed costs, animal performance and carbon impact in mind. It is the way forward, as an increasingly amount of farmers have to meet their buyers (future) requirements on sustainability.
Jess Marshall, Ruminant Nutritionist at GLW Feeds Ltd, UK

How it works

MyFeedPrint offers you a detailed and comprehensive summary of the environmental impact of feed products. These impact values can be used in your formulation system.  

This allows you, as a feed producer, to:  

Evaluate feed ingredients and different sources of those ingredients based on environmental impact, nutrient content, and cost.

Use environmental impact assessment values as a constraint when calculating the lowest-cost formulation. 

Provide downstream customers with an environmental impact value for the feed products that they purchase. 

How MyFeedPrint can help you calculate your environmental footprint

Click on the flashing icons below and find out how MyFeedPrint can help you in your journey towards becoming more sustainable and help you make better informed decisions.

Raw ingredients
Raw ingredients

Calculate the environmental impact values of the feed ingredients that you use in your feed mill. You can compare the values associated with different ingredients or different sources of the same raw material.


Feed mill
Feed mill

Calculate the overall carbon footprint of producing feed in your facilities. You can either determine the footprint of the different production lines in your feed mill or calculate an average value for the facility.


Feed management
Feed management

Combine the outputs of modules 1 and 2 to calculate the overall environmental footprint of your feeds.


Compare results
Compare results

You can easily compare results for the same ingredient with different origins or transport distances. The results will be presented in comparison with your primary ingredient with higher (red) or lower (green) values for the newly defined ingredient. This allows you to make informed decisions on the purchase of raw materials.


More information
More information

Easy support is provided with the quick reference guide.



Contact Us

Our digital specialist is:

Dr. Liz Homer - Sustainability Manager Ruminants ECA

Contact Us




Sustainability roadmap

We understand how making more
sustainable decisions becomes
easier once you know your
environmental footprint. This is
why we created MyFeedPrint.

Digital services & solutions

Looking for something else? NutriOpt contains a suite of digital solutions and services to support you around actionable analysis, actionable insights, optimal diets and optimal animal performance.