Managing colostrum for calves
Ensuring the proper intake of colostrum is important, because this milk is rich in antibodies, energy and other substances that give the calf’s health a boost right from the start. It is crucial to provide high-quality colostrum quickly and in a hygienic way.

Managing Neonatal Diahrroea
Calf dehydration, mainly as a result of diarrhoea, is a major drain on dairy farm performance and is the biggest single cause of calf losses. The benefits of reducing the impact of dehydration can be considerable as it has a range of short-term and long-term consequences which affect profitability.

Calf health management
Managing health is of crucial importance for young calves. Most mortalities are related to diarrhoea, dehydration or respiratory problems, making this a serious challenge for farmers.

Mineral Optimisation
As feeding strategies become more intensive, mineral optimisation becomes more important – in fact, they can demand a full reset of both the added minerals and the quality (no sulphates) to ensure calves get all the nutrition they need.