Mycotoxin Risk Management Mycotoxin Risk Management

Mycotoxin Risk Management

Contamination of raw materials with mycotoxins in the field or during storage at feed mills is a significant challenge in maintaining the quality of final feed. Failure to achieve high quality of feed can mean economic losses for feed millers as a result of poor feed prices, diminished brand image and compromised performance of animals.

How to recognise

Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of moulds which can occur as early as when crops are still in the field, throughout the feed chain and will ultimately impact animal health and performance.

More than 600 different mycotoxins have been identified and research has shown that feed quality and animal performance are impacted by ‘the big 6’ - aflatoxin, deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone, fumonisins, ochratoxins and trichothecenes (T2 - H2) – as well as many others. The toxins tend to be highly stable, remaining in feed after pelleting or extrusion during the manufacturing process.

While testing for all types of mycotoxins is not currently possible, it is well known that mycotoxins pose various animal health and performance risks. Additionally, increases in feed cost result from the need for extra analysis to comply with increased regulatory pressure.

The impact on the farmer

Mycotoxins can present food safety challenges to animals and humans by contamination of grains, animal products and by-products.

If not managed properly, mycotoxins can exceed non-toxic levels and start to impact production parameters, such as daily feed intake, average daily gain, milk or egg yield and, in extreme cases, increase mortality.

Young animals, such as broilers, piglets and calves, are especially susceptible to the impact of mycotoxins. However, chronic low levels of mycotoxins can have significant effects in long living animals as well.

Issues with toxin contamination in human food products have been reported in different parts of the world. These include the presence of aflatoxin M1 in milk, ochratoxin A in kidney and pork products, and T-2 toxin in eggs.

Research continues to show that in addition to single mycotoxins, we need to also address the additive and synergistic effects of multiple various mycotoxins.
Lauren Judd - Selko Feed Additives Product Manager: Feed Safety

Our offering for Mycotoxin Risk Management

Mycotoxin Risk Management

Contamination of raw materials with mycotoxins in the field or during storage at feed mills is a significant challenge in maintaining the quality of final feed. Failure to achieve high quality of feed can mean economic losses for feed millers as a result of poor feed prices, diminished brand image and compromised performance of animals.

Contact Us

Our Selko Feed Safety & Milling Efficiency team includes:

Lauren Judd - Technical Sales Manager Feed Safety

Ricky Cairns - Field Service and Callibration Engineer

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Process Moisture Management
Mycotoxin Risk Management
Feed Hygiene
Feed Stability