Research trials have shown that by applying LifeStart scientific principles and feeding higher volumes of milk we can optimise calf, heifer and cow performance leading to multiple benefits for the farmer.
Improved calf health
- Optimises development and integrity of the gastrointestinal tract
- Provides additional energy required to minimise the effects of enteric challenges
Improved calf performance
- Higher average daily weight gain – trials have shown up to 300 grams of extra growth per day during the pre-weaning phase
- Optimises development: the majority of organ development occurs within the first 50 days of life
Improved heifer performance
- Earlier breeding with improved conception rates
- Improved udder development to support future milk production
Improved cow performance
- Improved production, fertility and survivability to 4th lactation
- Higher milk production – trials have shown an increase of up to 400 litres of milk production in the first lactation
- A lower culling rate during 1st and 2nd lactation
- Maintenance of body condition score during peak production
Improved sustainability
- Improved efficiency by optimising Lifetime Daily Yield
- Increasing the average Lifetime Daily Yield by reducing age at first calving, increasing milk production per lactation and increasing the number of lactations per cow
For confidence your milk replacer is safe to feed at elevated levels look for the Lifestart logo
For maximum growth, development and health potential choose an "Energized Calf Milk" for example our Milkivit EnergiZer
What is an Energized Calf Milk?
Energized Calf Milks (ECMs) have been carefully formulated based on our LIFESTART science research to have elevated planes of nutrition using whole milk as a biological reference. They have high energy for optimal development, resilience to disease, and longevity. The lower osmolality versus traditional calf milk replacers reduces the risk of abomasal bloat and calf scour.
- LIFESTART Science endorsed
- Osmolality of 350 mOsm/kg
- 25% Quality, Digestible Fat
- 22.5% Protein
- 50% Skim
Contact Us
Our Youngstock team consists of:
Georgina Thomas - Young Animal Feed Manager
Dr. Laura Tennant - Young Animal Feed Technical Advisor